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I've reopened comments on Bluejake. You'll have to sign-up with Typekey to participate. I realize that this will reduce the amount of comments the site receives, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. A smart, meaningful comment is a wonderful thing-- everything else is a distraction.

I welcome your thoughts-- and if you don't feel comfortable commenting, email me instead.

Hope you have a great 2007!


hooray for comments.

this shot reminded me immediately of annie hall. the reds look great against the naturally desaturated skies.


i'm here to leave a dumb, meaningless comment.


You're so emo.


Wow, it's like a whole new world. Now excuse me while I poach this photo for Brownstoner...


I'm SO glad you enabled comments! Gives me a chance to tell you that I really enjoyed the Best of 2006 post. In addition to the developing themes you mentioned, you also have an almost theatrical eye for spotlightiing a single focal point and positioning it against a backdrop that appears symmetrical and chaotic all at once. Wonderful work! Can't wait to see what 2007 brings!

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