Note to self: check the weather report before venturing out for long hikes along abandoned rail lines in Queens. On Saturday, having failed to do that, the Nates and I got caught in a freak early-Autumn squall, and had to retreat to an ominously cinematic looking diner on the edge of Maspeth, Queens. After the showers began to clear, they made the smart decision and headed back for the L at Jefferson, a mile back the way we came. I decided to go for the E in Long Island City, which I thought was only "about 15 blocks away." Well, friends, let me assure you-- it wasn't 15 blocks away. It was more like 3.7 miles away, through a hellish maze of expressways, cemeteries, and industrial parks. It rained intermittently for the first mile or two-- but by the time I got back to Jackson Avenue, the sun had come out, and everything looked bright and clear. Except my shoes-- those I had to throw out as soon as I got home.