Ten years ago I was living down on Thompson Street just above Spring. The World Trade Center was about a mile directly south. That sounds far, but when you were walking south the towers loomed at the end of the street. That morning I heard the first plane go over- it was very loud. Then a few minutes later I turned on the TV and saw what was going on. I wasn't a photographer back then- I didn't really get into shooting until a few years later. But I did have a polaroid camera, and I ran up to the roof to take some pictures. They say our memories are pretty faulty when it comes to remembering things like this- but looking at this shot, it seems like I was up on the roof after the second plane hit. Later on, I remember being on the phone leaving a message for my sister or my folks, telling them not to come into work- just as the first tower collapsed live on television. That was the only time I really lost it- I think I actually started screaming.
The rest of the afternoon is sort of a blank- some time around noon, I was standing on the roof of the building again with some other people, talking about how unreal it all seemed. And at some point one of my friends came over after he got evacuated from his office nearby, and we went out to buy some food. SoHo was empty, but Gourmet Garage was open, and we bought some roast chickens. Karen tells me when she finally got home, some time that night, we had filled the bathtub and all the pots in the house with water.
Looking at it now, I think I like this polaroid because it feels like an actual piece of the event; it's not a print or a copy made later. If you've seen any other polaroids from that day, I'd love to see them.
This picture breaks my heart Jake. I live in NYC now, but at the time I was living in So Cal and I just could not get my mind around it all. I wept for days. Seeing this picture, and knowing you experienced it first hand, gives me a new respect for you. You are amazingly talented, and you have survived one of the worst events in our history. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Posted by: Stephanie St.Claire | 09/11/2011 at 06:58 PM
This picture breaks my heart Jake. I live in NYC now, but at the time I was living in So Cal and I just could not get my mind around it all. I wept for days. Seeing this picture, and knowing you experienced it first hand, gives me a new respect for you. You are amazingly talented, and you have survived one of the worst events in our history. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Posted by: 2el esya | 09/16/2011 at 07:02 AM
New York City is my favorite city in the world. I remember exactly where I was on 9/11/2001. I got up in the morning in Lake Tahoe, CA. and turned the TV on to the Today show while I was getting ready to go to work. When I turned on the TV Katie Couric was talking about a plane hitting the World Trade Center, but at that point no one knew if it was a small plane who had an accident or what. Then, I saw live on TV the second plane hit the south tower. Pretty much everybody knew after that that it was a terrorist attack. Luckily when I went to work my boss had a TV in his office and we all watched TV all day. I watched and taped news about it for days and days and days. As bad as it was for a lot of people, it was fascinating for me. I couldn't get enough of it. I hate the carnage and pain and utter grief and the "Going out of our minds people experienced from the attack. I wish I could have come to NY after the attack to help in any way I could and photograph everything (I am a photographer), and just be among the people of New York City. God bless America and God bless and heal NYC.
Posted by: Jeannie | 09/19/2011 at 01:44 AM
It still hurts to see photos of this horrible day that doesn't seem like ten years ago. Thanks for keeping this memory alive.
A fan,
Gail Gillette
Posted by: Gail Gillette | 09/19/2011 at 04:50 PM
This attack on the citzens of the US will never be forgotten. Some wunds never heal.
Posted by: Janice Manilow | 09/23/2011 at 04:23 PM
With all the hype on TV and the radio lately, 911 seems to be on everyone's minds. I hope you didn't lose anyone really close to you during this event. Anyway, the picture is something to be remembered and I thank you for bringing it to us.
Posted by: cheryl cassidy | 09/25/2011 at 10:23 AM
I remember watching this on television as it unfolded. I can't imagine what you felt seeing it live from the rooftop of your own home. Seeing images like this still brings back a flood of emotions, including fear, that I felt on that day.
Posted by: Suzi Strauss | 09/25/2011 at 10:36 AM
I haven't talked with anyone yet that doesn't remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on that horrible day. We are lucky that more damage wasn't done and more lives destroyed. Thanks for keeping the memory alive.
Lauren Reagan
Posted by: Lauren Reagan | 09/26/2011 at 07:47 AM
The 'damage' is irreparable, just as all those who lost and those who are devastated are forever damaged by the senselessness and selfishness of self-centredness.
To think that Americans have allowed the construction and operation of a Mosque just up the road contradicts every freedom of the West, and is a hypocritic resposne to terrorism.
I for one now have no time for the USA.
Posted by: kasbz | 10/12/2011 at 08:20 PM
Despite what the rest of the world thinks, We as Americans will always remember this tragic day. Thanks for reminding us of what it meant to each of us.
Posted by: clay curtis | 10/22/2011 at 07:45 AM
I remember exactly what I was doing when my daughter called and she was nearly hysterical, telling me we were at war. I suppose that was her thought at the time. I turned on the television just when the second tower got hit. It was awful. I'll never forget the feeling I had, and to be honest, I think I did scream also.I like your poloroid because in my opinion it is actually a piece of the horrible event. It captured it. Thank you.
Posted by: Connie | 10/22/2011 at 06:55 PM
Hey Jake,
I stop by your site every once in a while to take a peek at your views of New York. This one is pretty graphic but glad that you could catch the moment on film. That was a terrible day.
I wonder why you haven't posted anything for such a long time? Hope everything is OK. Just wanted to let you know that some of your fans miss you and wish you well.
Posted by: Walter | 11/29/2011 at 06:26 PM